Membership Committee
Cathy Gross, Chair
Membership Advisors: Ellen DeGroof, Valerie McGhee
Vulnerable Member Team: Marcy Speidel
Area Representative Coordinator: Lynn Fritz
Membership Renewals: Tom Sheehy
Administrative Assistant: Patti Pelton- HV, Diane Plante-gsuite
Founders/Players: Deb Bean, Kim Pratt and Diane Plant
Marina: Diane Saullo and Marilyn Spendley
Members/Legacy: Denise Hamer, Yupei O'Toole and Patty Pius
Reserve: Anita Pedvis and Maura Raphael
Woodlands/Georgetown: Lynn Fritz, Joanna Holmes and Dolores Matarese
Oceanic: Sue Roll, Eileen Trapp, Beth Donahue
Volunteer Committee
Linda Shaw, Chair
Prospect Managers: Dianne Saullo and Peggy Persico
Team Training Leads: Marie Danco and Linda Shaw
Just Checking In Team Leaders: Marie Danco and Arlene Risano
Helping Hands Team Leaders: Anne Hazelton and Melody Ryan
Going My Way Team Leader: Debbie Henderson and Maggie Waddington
Tech Connect Team Leaders: Jerry Passione and Art Solomon